Iconic Duffle Coat #readyforuniversity

Ok, so the car will be heaving with numerous pairs of shoes, books, files and most importantly, an array of your favourite fancy dress options. You’ll soon find out if you’ve taken too much, too little or just the wrong stuff (although good fancy dress is always a winner)
Packing for your first year at university can be tricky, especially if you’re the first one or last one out of the nest. Your mum and dad are brilliant but maybe travelling hundreds of miles with 9 plates, six saucepans and room diffuser will have you full equipped for your first dinner party but not really ready for your new free life at university.
If you’re going to university for the first time this September, you’re probably going to spend the few weeks leading up to your departure frantically trying to decide what to take with you. Depending on whether or not you’re a light packer, it can be easy to splash the cash on needless items when thinking about what to take, especially if you want to ensure you’re prepared for anything. But, remember, university life isn’t much different to normal life back home, except that at university you won’t have a parent around to iron your favorite t-shirt or buy you toothpaste.
The next question is always, what are you going to wear? You can probably guess that you’re not going to get a luxury bedroom and dressing room (think more like a single bed and a basic wardrobe.) so, take too much stuff and your room will be cluttered with all your clothes ready for the next snowstorm or heat wave. Our advice is start with essential, capsule clothing. Just because you’re at uni doesn’t mean that you’re never going home again, so take your favourites along with a coat like the iconic British Duffle coat that will see you through every occasion and see how things go. Remember, it will be lots of fun and with so many party’s to attend and new people to meet, it’s no time for slobbing out. Smarten up, and we don’t mean your grades. Preppy is a big iconic look for both men and women and perfect for when you’re running from one lecture ( or bar) to another.
Here are a few of our university clothing suggestions;
University checklist: Clothing
Favorite casual clothes (t-shirts, jumpers, trousers, jeans)
Underwear (pants, socks, bras)
Dressing gown and slippers (essential for a shared bathroom)
Winter coat and jacket (check out our latest iconic duffle coats)
Gloves, hat and scarf
Shoes (trainers, smart shoes, casual shoes)
Smart office outfit (for possible part-time job interviews)
Fancy dress.. essential!
View our latest designer Duffle Coat collection www.dufflecoatsuk.co.uk
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