Last order dates for duffle coats, Christmas 2015

Christmas is getting dangerously close.
And ignoring the festive fuss is no longer an option.
But whatever your reason for last minute duffle coat buying, it’s ok. You can relax. We’ll get your order to you in time for Christmas.
Well, that’s as long as you’re not reading this after 1pm on the 22nd December.
Or after 11.59pm on 16th December if you live in the EU or rest of the world (ROTW). .
Because, as long as you order from us before those deadlines:
– 1pm 22nd December for UK orders
– 11.59pm on 16th December for ROTW)
we guarantee that your duffle coat will be delivered in time for Christmas.
So phew, that’s one thing off your list.
Oh and if you have any questions as you go into a frenzied, last minute panic? Don’t forget you can now use our online chat to get in touch with our team during office hours.
As the big day beckons, we wish you festive cheer and good luck with the last minute shopping!