Chat online about buying your duffle coat (with no obligation)

Our staff are always glad to chat about duffle coats!
We’ve made a teeny change to our website. But it’s already having a big effect.
It’s neatly tucked away in the right hand corner of the screen. Can you see it?
Squint a bit, got it?
Yep, it’s our online chat button.
We’ve added it recently to help make the duffle coat buying process that little bit easier.
So if you have questions about which size duffle coat to choose, or whether we offer free returns in the UK (we do), then hit the ‘online chat’ button.
And don’t worry.
You won’t be drawn into a ‘hard sell’ type conversation. We’ll answer your questions, and that’s it. No nagging, no pressure.
Our online chat service is available Monday to Friday between 0830 and 1700 (GMT). And once you send your request, you’ll be chatting to one of the team in our Leicestershire-based office.
If you send a request outside of those hours, it will be ready and waiting for our team when they get back to their desks.
So, want to hit us with your burning questions about duffle coats? Our team is ready and waiting.
(And to be really honest, it offers them a welcome break from processing duffle coat orders. But shhh, you didn’t hear that from us.)
So when you’re ready, the online chat button is this way: