Summer Storage Solutions
A change in season means a change in wardrobe, and with spring/summer rapidly approaching you’re going to need a few storage solutions under your belt. Proper storage is the only way to make sure your beloved knits, coats and duffles will be ready and waiting when the weather starts to turn again, so don’t risk them being moth-eaten, musty or creased beyond belief—with these solutions you’ll be able to keep everything in top condition.
The first thing you need to do is go through your closet to decide what you’re going to store away, and after that you need to give your chosen clothes a good wash—even if they look clean. Dirt, food, perspiration and even perfume can become ingrained in the material causing stains and potentially damaging the fabric beyond repair, and dirty clothes are more likely to attract insects too so always make sure that everything is perfectly clean before you store it away. Then you need to think about where you’re actually going to keep your clothes during the summer months.
Well, your closet will probably be your storage space of choice but it of course isn’t the only option, with anywhere that’s dry, dark and cool being perfect storage spots. Attics, basements and garages, however, should be avoided wherever possible as they can be damp and prone to insects. Chances are you’ll need a few storage boxes, preferably those with lids, but again make sure to thoroughly clean them before you start storing things away. Vacuum-style bags are another great option—these are ideal for your duffle coats, chunky knits and anything that isn’t too delicate, being fantastic space-saving devices and easy to slip under the bed after being filled—but make sure to avoid storing clothes in regular plastic bags as fabric needs to breathe.
From there it’s all about being careful with how you store things. Fold things carefully to prevent creases and only hang clothes if absolutely necessary as being hung up for too long can leave things out of shape, and if you’re really short on space it might be worth considering investing in a dedicated storage facility. A bit of forward planning could be all it takes, and spending the time to organise your summer storage solutions can ensure your clothes are kept in great condition to be ready for use when the weather changes. And all that closet space you’re freeing up means it’s a great excuse for a shopping spree…