Hooded not hoodie
Just before the 1900’s a white Christmas hit London and the UK was covered in a blanket of snow. From the highlands of Scotland, to the beaches of Portsmouth, everywhere was covered and you couldn’t spot a piece of grass for miles.
At this point came a revolutionary addition to normal coats, the hood. The hood was taken from the cape and re-styled to be place on a parka, duffle coat or jacket so it looked good and provided protection to the hair and face in the harshest of weather conditions.
Back during these times, the only hat that was worn were either flat caps, bonnet for the ladies or bowler hats, depending on your which class you belonged in. There were no beanie or woolly hats to keep your ears and head worn. Another reason why tailors placed a hood on certain coats was that it helped keep your head, ears, neck and part of your face warm as well has helping your vision during a snow fall or when it was raining.
Through the years, different coats started adding the hood and then the hooded jacket came about as fashion was moving on. During the 1990’s the hooded jumper and t-shirt were fashionable, with many people wearing a hooded jumper during the summer months as it looked trendy and was a light version of a heavy jacket.
In 2006 parliament passed a law on ‘hoodies’ which was a collective noun on youths that were misbehaving and acting against the law. Now the word ‘hoodie’ can have terrible connotations, that has created a culture where people avoid wearing their own hoods.
The reason that MP’s used the word ‘hoodie’ to describe unlawful youths was due to the common fashion, they felt that kids that wore their hoods up over their faces, used it to hide their identity whilst they were breaking the law.