Christmas Wish List
It’s already here, well in the shops anyway, Christmas, it seems to get earlier every year. To support the festive season the Autumn and winter fashion collections are now prevalent as ever, and thought turn to “ I want all of those coats” or “ I would love a chunky cardigan coat”. A great way to really make sure you get what you want for Christmas is to create a wish list, and most of the big stores have this facility now where you can add items to your wish list and forward it onto your family and friends.
Starting with Amazon, originally the place to buy books, now Amazon is a hive for fashion and electrical, you can pretty much purchase anything from this fantastic website.
You can register your wish list at Amazon and forward it onto everyone, the great thing about Amazon is the range of products and prices, you know you could save yourself a packet and probably put a few more items on the wish list.
John Lewis offers their gift list service, not just for weddings, for any occasion, so you can add your gift picks to a list and again send it to the people you know want to buy you something fab for Christmas.
Something a little different for those fashion obsessed out there is Topshop’s personal shopping experience. Book a personal shopper in one of the bigger stores of Topshop and you will be whisked around the store. They will take into consideration your height, dress size, body shape and complexion and pick out the best pieces to suit you, it’s a fantastic experience and allows you to reserve clothing and have exclusive previews.
Don’t be wishy washy about what you want for Christmas this year, making a wish list is a great way to get what you want!