Duffels v Duffles – That is the question

The hardened Duffel coat fanatic would be disgraced by our company URL. Why? We spell duffle ‘le’ rather than ‘el’. In our defence there are two recognised ways of spelling the word duffel or duffle. Refer to any dictionary or Wikipedia and they will confirm this. Dufflecoatsuk decided on duffle as the correct spelling based on the fact that keyword statistics prove without doubt that the majority spell duffle like so.

We purposely endorse both versions from a business and website perspective, but in our humble opinion, if we weren’t dedicated to the task of directing traffic to our fantastic site we would stand by the spelling Duffel just like Montgomery would have all them years ago.

What do you think looks better? Duffle Coats or Duffel coat, in the end they both look the same when your wearing it!!